Goran Ilić
Grafitna olovka izabrala je baš njega.
Rođen 19. avgusta 1972. godine u Ćupriji gde i danas živi.
Samouk i sa sopstvenom i jedinstvenom tehnikom crtanja interesovanje je pokazao još od malena. Završena mašinska škola daje mu posebno precizne tanke i ravne linije. Crtanje je, preko hobija i više od 20 godina svakodnevnog rada, postalo njegovo zanimanje.
Najveća pažnja je posvećena detaljima, tako da je od grafike preko realne grafike, sebi za cilj postavio hiper realističnu grafiku. Upravo zbog tih detalja ova tehnika je veoma zahtevna i spora tako da je umetniku za izradu jednog rada potrebno i do mesec dana.
Goran Ilić
The graphite pencil chose him.
He was born on August 19, 1972 in Ćuprija, Serbia, where he lives today.
Self-taught and with his own and unique drawing technique, he showed interest from an early age. Degree of Secondary Technical School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering gave him particularly precise thin and straight lines. Drawing, through hobbies and more than 20 years of everyday work, became his profession.
The greatest attention in his work is paid to details, so from graphics through realistic graphics, he set himself the goal of making hyper-realistic graphics. Precisely because of these details, his technique is very demanding, so it takes an artist up to a month to make one piece of art.
Žarko Stanković
"Grafitna olovka je izabrala baš njega, da se veštom rukom autora predstavi na najbolji mogući način." - "The graphite pencil chose to be presented by him in the best possible way with the skillful hand of the author."
"Prva tvoja slika u našem domu, hvala Bogu biće ih još! Senke, detalji, prelazi, format, okvir, ram, sve perfektno. Ponosna i spremna na nova iznenađenja." - "First picture that we bought from you for our home, and thank God there will be more! Shadows, details, transitions, format, frame, all perfect. We are so proud of you and ready for new surprises."
Mirjana Babić